Reading Ramayana daily and meditating on the name of 'Rama' brings a person closer to self-realization and God and thus absolves one of all of his sins. Nama Ramayana is the story of Rama written for this purpose. Apart from condensing the story, it helps the devotees to meditate on the different sterling aspects of Rama.
Membaca Ramayana harian dan merenungkan nama 'Rama' membawa seseorang lebih dekat dengan realisasi diri dan Tuhan dan dengan demikian membebaskan salah satu dari semua dosa-dosanya. Nama Ramayana adalah kisah Rama ditulis untuk tujuan ini. Terlepas dari kondensasi cerita, itu membantu umat untuk merenungkan aspek sterling berbeda Rama.
Reading Ramayana daily and meditating on the name of 'Rama' brings a person closer to self-realization and God and thus absolves one of all of his sins. Nama Ramayana is the story of Rama written for this purpose. Apart from condensing the story, it helps the devotees to meditate on the different sterling aspects of Rama.